Showing posts with label analog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label analog. Show all posts


from A to B

I’m proud to be part of the 13th edition of the #spaziofotocopia exhibition in collaboration with Castelnuovo Photographic Festival.

The theme, From A to B, under the artístic direction of Elisabetta Portoghese is related to the migration and displacement. The opening took place on September 20 and one week later was show at the Castelnuovo Photographic Festival. Also, the work was included in the #M magazine.

Magazzini Fotografici. Via San Giovanni in Porta, 32. Napoli.

photography: "L'hora que el sol es posa" Kodak Ektar 100 (passed to b/w) 



one day you wake up.
you don't know who's next to you...

photography: "suddenly", kodak ektar 100 and text by inèrcies_


la tardor dels pensaments

La nit queia sobre la ciutat i a sobre meu. Vaig mirar enrere i amb els sentits, vaig olorar la terra mullada. 

Vaig sentir la meva respiració, vaig pensar sobre la matèria de què està feta la realitat i el desig... Sóc jo i el meu món, sóc tu amb la teva vida o potser sóc tots a la vegada?

A punt d'arribar a la tardor dels pensaments ja no busco cap treva i no puc dic res perquè el millor és no dir res.

photography: "la treva", kodak ektar 100 and text by inèrcies_