
faces looking faces

Faces looking faces, faces, faces...
A crowd breaking shadows in the moonlight:
pale faces looking.
I've been here before?
In this light I'm trying to draw your face but
there's no wisdom in this brain, dear.

I know I'm a tired man in
a morning that comes quickly.
I can't remember your name,
my dear, my dream?
I'm trying to take a picture but
I don't know this place, I wasn't here before!

I know this sensation. I felt it before!
The brain hurts and
for now, I'm only waiting
for the miracle you 
try to come here, again.
But I only remember the ties, good bye...

I know I come from old kisses,
aged wrinkles in our cheeks.
I know I'm looking for the cartography
of your skin. Sound of your footsteps
and I'm trying to forget:

Oblivion is our gift.

And I realized I forgot how to pray.
I'm playing to change the name
of all the things of the world:
the rain is the cry,
the night is the black,
the pain, the love...

photography: "the way", kodachrome transparency and antipoema by © inercies_ 


la gent fuig

Veig la gent com fuig tan lluny com els hi és possible.

L'obscuritat s'apropa. Tothom mira al voltant sense veure res perquè no hi ha res per mirar.

Les paraules amb prou feina poden dir el que volen dir. L'anormalitat s'ha instal·lat en el que abans possiblement era considerat normal.   

Inspiro-expiro-inspiro-expiro-inspiro-expiro i així tota l'estona en un rollo cíclic que ajuda a mantenir un cert ordre en el pensament autònom del cap que bull.

I crec que algun dia podré arribar a fer la troballa que em canviï la vida, un esdeveniment inusual que em tranquil·litzi definitivament i que m'estalviï haver de fugir i córrer.

Però les paraules ja no diuen el que volen dir.

I lluitant contra els meus dimonis, intento fugir per trobar un refugi de llum en aquesta obscuritat... 

photography "la gent fuig", Kodak Color Plus 200 and text © inercies_


no, no, no..., 
no, no no, no..., no!
no, no, no, no, no, no, no...

photography "landscape", kodachrome coloured transparency and antipoema © inercies_