
from A to B

I’m proud to be part of the 13th edition of the #spaziofotocopia exhibition in collaboration with Castelnuovo Photographic Festival.

The theme, From A to B, under the artístic direction of Elisabetta Portoghese is related to the migration and displacement. The opening took place on September 20 and one week later was show at the Castelnuovo Photographic Festival. Also, the work was included in the #M magazine.

Magazzini Fotografici. Via San Giovanni in Porta, 32. Napoli.

photography: "L'hora que el sol es posa" Kodak Ektar 100 (passed to b/w) 


waiting for a surprise

Waiting..., waiting what...? Who knows.
Waiting a surprise?
Waiting kisses never kissed.

The need to forgive. 
You know..., I get a strange feeling about it.

Waiting about something that could be named as God.
A God that could bring some light.
Smiles? Voices? Hopes and dreams?

I have some problems to remember your face.
I only know I'm still waiting.

But, waiting about what?
Who knows..., maybe I'm in for a surprise.
A surprise about your kisses, never kissed.

photography: "help", installation in the river. Photocopy paper and wood


atzar d'ombres que passen

atzar, ombres, film, frame, gelatin, impossible, instax wide,

Quin soroll més estrany que fan avui les vespes: 
com a les persones, la calor les afecta i enganya els sentits. 

Provoca distorsions que fan pensar coses que no s’haurien de pensar, fer coses que no hauríem de fer.

La calor continua maltractant-ho tot. Sense pietat, 
desfà la matèria i la carn i tot sembla que flueix 
sense forma i cau i es deforma 
i vaig pel carrer enmig d'un immens atzar d’ombres en el terra...

Atzar d’ombres que passen pel costat...
Miro la pedra, miro l’arbre, miro el cel, 
miro la gent... Miro els vidres cercant 
una història reflectida: anhel de nit convertida 
en possibilitat, una porta oberta o qualsevol cosa.

Tot esperant la nit, les paraules han perdut 
la seva capacitat de dir. Millor el silenci, 
millor l’oblit.

Miro de reüll els vidres a veure si encara estic i, 
mentrestant, el volcà et mira i xiuxiueja paraules antigues. 

Delicioses vespes a punt de fer mal.

photography: "Limbo", Polaroid 110a modificated to shot with Fujifilm Instax Wide 800asa