Showing posts with label inercies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inercies. Show all posts


about the sense...

the musical work has 15 sections

each section measures 21 seconds, 701 miliseconds

the sum of the numbers 2 + 1 + 7 + 1 = 11 (Prime number) and 1 + 1 = 2 (Prime number + Fibonacci)

the sum of the duration of each section is:

21 s x 15 = 315 s

701 ms x 15 = 10515 ms

10515 ms = 10 s y 515 ms

315 + 10 = 325 s + 515 ms

3 +  2+ 5 + 5 + 1 + 5 = 21

325.515 has as divisors: 

1, 3, 5, 15, 21701 (duration of each section), 65103, 108505 y 32515

Structure (15 sections with A-B sequence)

A1 – B1 – A2 – B2 – A3 – B3 – A4 – B4 – A5 – B5 – A6 – B6 – A7 – B7 – A8

the following A sections begin in a similar manner:

A1 = A5

A2 = A7

A3 = A6

A4 = A8

the following B sections end in a similar manner:

B1 = B3

B2 = B4 = B6

B5 = B7

total music duration length:


And 5 + 3 + 3 (all Prime and Fibonacci numbers) = 11 (Prime number)

And 1 + 1 = 2 (Prime and Fibonacci number)


'You can't swim in the same river twice'


'You can't swim in the same river twice', said Heraclitus...

Change is like water: it flows continously and I recognize I love and I need change..., but I know it has its own rules, its own ghosts...

I've done a lot of things in my life. Now, the course of the years had produced a strong and continous dematerialization in my work with implications that affects both spirituality and relations with material world. Thus, when I look my old works, I have trouble to recognize them as mine.

Now, I consider music as the most abstract of the arts. Music allows me to explore, new feelings and new ways of self-expression. But I've a problem: I'm not a musician and for this reason I'm fighting against my own technical limitations, ambiental noise and distractions. I mean, against my own ghosts...

Within this context was born the work 'men at a crossroads' and this is the context where I have known the work of Sedje Hémon, a wonderful artist whose life, dedication and work breaks down all the barriers, all borders.

The Sedje Hémon Foundation has selected the video work Halmoni in Heterotopia (2020) from Minsun Kim (first price) and my work 'men at the crossroads' (second price) in the Open Call 2021. I'm truly honored for it and I would like express my gratitude for it.


109, Xenakis' secret

Why 109?

Firstly, I divided the first notes of the Iannix Xenakis work ‘Pshappha’ into 6 groups with 12 intervals (dodecaphonic system).

In this way, there are 109 musical notes into these 6 groups.

Group I, 16 notes; group II, 16 notes; group III, 16 notes; group IV, 16 notes; group V, 16(+25)notes and the group VI, 14 notes.

Next, I considered double notes as a single one (because I belive the silence between notes is important).

Although ‘Pshappha’ are made for percussion solo, I traslated it into a different notation, slowly and calmly. It has been made with the keyboard of the synthesizer ‘Dexed’ that is closely modeled on the Yamaha DX7. All in all, the work lasts 7 minuts 54 seconds (7+5+4=16, wich refers to 1.6, the beginning of the Fibonacci’s sequence). The entire 109 project is more or less free but the selected Xenaki’s score appears from 0.00.00 to 0.04.54. From then until the end, part of the first cycle is repeated.

I belive there’s a secret under the number 109:

The number 109 is related to the Fibonacci sequence (particularly with the number 89)

If we divide 1/89, the result is 0,0112359550561798... (+44 characters!) and the first six numbers belong to the Fibonacci sequence.

Then, if we divide each number of the sequence between 10 (1+0+9=10) raised to the power of his position in the Fibonacci sequence then...

  • 1/89 = 0,0112359550561798..
  • 0/101 = 0
  • 1/102 = 0,01
  • 1/103 = 0,001
  • 2/104 = 0,0002
  • 3/105 = 0,00003
  • 5/106 = 0,000005
  • (...)

Of couse,the Fibonacci’s sequence (11235) is repeated in the beginning and end.

And, if we divide 1/109 we have a decimal with 108 characters: 0,0091743119266055(...)53211. The last 5 numbers are the Fibonacci sequence in reverse order.

And, if you take each number and divide it by 10 (1+0+9=10) raised to the power of 109 minus its position in the Fibonacci sequence, then:

  • 0/10109 = (...)0
  • 1/10108 = (...)1
  • 1/10107 = (...)1
  • 2/10106 = (...)2
  • 3/10105 = (...)3
  • 5/10104 = (...)5
  • (...)

Again the Fibonacci’s sequence (11235) with the number 109.

Note: The diameter of the sun is 109 times wider than Earth

Microstructures by a confined present. Music: inèrcies, based on the work psappha, Iannis Xenakis. Words, inèrcies 2021.


el senyal

Un senyal del cel? Un avís? Un far que indiqui 
el rumb? 

O bé es tracta de mecanismes automàtics que ajuden a pensar 

què s'està pensant? 

No ho sé. Miro al meu voltant..., alguns sembla que pensen una mica, altres res. Aïllament.

Miro i tothom sura al naufragi de pensar coses reals que en realitat no ho són. Dubtes al pensar que només som cosa pensada. Aïllament.

Obsrvo la llum en l'ombra. Aïllament.

I què pensen els bojos? Potser s'imaginen Mozart amb un contracte a temps parcial mirant de sobreviure. Fins i tot els genis mengen i caguen. Alguns, segurament, obres d'art.

microstructures by a confined present: el contracte de Mozart, _inèrcies 2020


your existence is...


microstructures by a confined present: your existence is altered by karma, inercies_ 2020


haiku QR


                 (write your haiku and click into the code)

Night; and once again,

the while I wait for you, cold wind

turns into rain.

Masaoka Shiki (1867-1902)


microstructures by a confined present: haiku qr, _inèrcies, 2020


busco una idea,
una sensación de que se escapa entre los dedos.

persigo una certeza disfrazada que se mueve frente a los escaparates 
día tras día. 

O quizás solamente sean cuerpos sin alma que esconden 
hombres y mujeres?

Mientras tanto, disecciono nubes en mis sueños agotados...

microstructures by a confined present: certeza disfrazada, _inèrcies, 2020
Aquell dia tot era gris. La gent mirava les seves coses, distrets.

No havia cap nexe en comú entre cap d'aquells éssers: tot era individual, atomitzat.

Velocitat. Pals d'electricitat passaven per davant. Els cables pujaven i baixaven; pujaven i baixaven; 

pujaven i baixaven...

Vaig arribar. 

Ciutat coberta de boira..., túnel que no acaba mai. 

microstructures by a confined present: túnel que no acaba mai, _inèrcies, 2020


my head cloud

generador de discursos artísticos

quieres justificar tu arte ante galerías e instituciones oficiales? Estás perdid@ y necesitas un pensamiento personalizado? Aquí tienes la solución: el generador de discursos artísticos.

¿Cuántos párrafos necesitas?   ¿Cuántas frases por párrafo:  

microstructures by a confined present: generador de discursos artísticos, _inèrcies




microstructures by a confined present: time 



microstructures by a confined present: reality?, _inèrcies, 2020



(tocar cualquier palabra)

un sueño que has tenido una noche de insomnio

un recuerdo lejano de cuando eras pequeño

un olor a tierra mojada después de la lluvia

un reflejo en un charco

un haiku hermoso

un número de teléfono medio borrado

un secreto 

un acertijo interesante

un arma letal

un presente distópico

un detalle, un regalo

un misterio insoportable

un instante que ya casi he olvidado

un pasado remoto

un ruido intenso, doloroso

un humo que lo tapa todo, como la niebla

un susurro al oído 

un viento que lo barre todo

un acantilado peligroso

un fuego en el alma

un tiempo del pasado

un instante de felicidad

un dolor intenso

un grito del corazón

un estado mental

un alma atormentada

un pensamiento pasajero

un desasosiego solitario

un rastro de huellas que no volverán

microstructures by a confined present: the virus, 2020 


the water that keeps coming back

Wounded! of blood on the arm (on the)leg.

Help! Here Here
Help! Help! Crazy, I know the gun
that hurts me and I think

about the smell
of the wounded roses
in the morning.
And I see the fright
that wounds his purity.

And you always there.
And you always killing.
And you, come here

(and) forget the water
that keeps coming back.

microstructures by a confined present and the virus. The water that keeps coming back. 2020 


from A to B

I’m proud to be part of the 13th edition of the #spaziofotocopia exhibition in collaboration with Castelnuovo Photographic Festival.

The theme, From A to B, under the artístic direction of Elisabetta Portoghese is related to the migration and displacement. The opening took place on September 20 and one week later was show at the Castelnuovo Photographic Festival. Also, the work was included in the #M magazine.

Magazzini Fotografici. Via San Giovanni in Porta, 32. Napoli.

photography: "L'hora que el sol es posa" Kodak Ektar 100 (passed to b/w) 


waiting for a surprise

Waiting..., waiting what...? Who knows.
Waiting a surprise?
Waiting kisses never kissed.

The need to forgive. 
You know..., I get a strange feeling about it.

Waiting about something that could be named as God.
A God that could bring some light.
Smiles? Voices? Hopes and dreams?

I have some problems to remember your face.
I only know I'm still waiting.

But, waiting about what?
Who knows..., maybe I'm in for a surprise.
A surprise about your kisses, never kissed.

photography: "help", installation in the river. Photocopy paper and wood


atzar d'ombres que passen

atzar, ombres, film, frame, gelatin, impossible, instax wide,

Quin soroll més estrany que fan avui les vespes: 
com a les persones, la calor les afecta i enganya els sentits. 

Provoca distorsions que fan pensar coses que no s’haurien de pensar, fer coses que no hauríem de fer.

La calor continua maltractant-ho tot. Sense pietat, 
desfà la matèria i la carn i tot sembla que flueix 
sense forma i cau i es deforma 
i vaig pel carrer enmig d'un immens atzar d’ombres en el terra...

Atzar d’ombres que passen pel costat...
Miro la pedra, miro l’arbre, miro el cel, 
miro la gent... Miro els vidres cercant 
una història reflectida: anhel de nit convertida 
en possibilitat, una porta oberta o qualsevol cosa.

Tot esperant la nit, les paraules han perdut 
la seva capacitat de dir. Millor el silenci, 
millor l’oblit.

Miro de reüll els vidres a veure si encara estic i, 
mentrestant, el volcà et mira i xiuxiueja paraules antigues. 

Delicioses vespes a punt de fer mal.

photography: "Limbo", Polaroid 110a modificated to shot with Fujifilm Instax Wide 800asa 



the relations between analog and experimental photography. I use old film, kodachrome transparency.
i tot es podia reduir a la complexa relació entre veritat, memòria i consciència...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      photography: "absurd", kodachrome transparency and text by inèrcies_


soroll en el desert

Un home intenta aixecar els braços. Sap que no es pot moure i és conscient que no pot fer res per evitar que el lloc on es troba es faci cada vegada més petit. 

L'home, clavat a terra, està nu i intenta sobreviure. Crida desesperadament. Vol fugir, perdre's en un desert sense miratges auto engañosos però resta abandonat a la deriva dels records sense poder trobar la calma

I, reduït a ombra en equilibri inestable, el silenci li recorda a cada moment la seva fragilitat, simple soroll en el desert...

photography: "dark", gelatin silver process and text by inèrcies_